Senior Consulting Arborist
A practiced arborist and horticulturalist, Arran has extensive experience that is adaptable to many business areas. With an ability to conceptualize a project and carefully consider variables, he can develop and implement projects and policies with consideration of relevant legislation, standards and best practice. early during project development.
Arran is passionate about the environment and sustainability with operational and strategic experience in private industry and local government, including community engagement programs.
Arran’s knowledge of GIS has been valued in responses to high pressure/risk situations and in coordinating emergency events. His on-ground experience and staff management allows for decisive action and problem resolution.
Project highlights:
- City of Gold Coast Urban Greening Action Plan, resilience of the Urban Forest
- Planning and facilitation of workshops for biodiversity for the City of Melbourne.
- Guest lecturing in Tree Valuation Methodology at The University of Melbourne.
- Manningham City Council Communications plan for arboricultural assets and website portal