Senior Consulting Arborist (NSW)
Owen started in Arboriculture in 1990, completing his Cert III in 1992. Arboriculture has taken Owen on a journey of learning around the world, from Australia to the UK, Germany and New Zealand, whilst constantly renewing and upgrading his experience and knowledge having most recently, 2019, completed his Cert VIII (Graduate Certificate) in Arboriculture at the University of Melbourne.
Owen is extensively practiced in all aspects of Arboriculture and Urban Forestry including transplanting, remedial tree surgery, tree evaluation/valuation, risk assessments and arboricultural reports. Owen is driven to find and apply best practice management and sustainable urban forestry strategy to deliver optimal outcomes for the tree, the environment and the customer; and a resilient urban forest of the future. He has developed ‘Greening’ policy, systems and procedures including tree selection and planting along with improved tree inspection and assessment, tree protection and renewal, records management, maintenance standards and conservation.
He is thoroughly versed in managing the diversity of tree assets, maintaining biodiversity and heritage character, particularly in the context of shifting climatic conditions and community expectations. This, always, balanced with managing risk to acceptable levels for public and staff safety.
Qualifications and training include: ISA, QTRA advanced user, TRAQ and VTA methodologies, Cert V Arboriculture (NZ), Bachelor of Laws (Aus), Cert VIII Arboriculture (Aus).
Memberships: International Society of Arboriculture, New Zealand Arboricultural Society, Queensland Arboricultural Society.